Smoke Damage Restoration: Facts About Fire and Your Property

Smoke Damage Restoration: Facts About Fire and Your Property

smoke damage restorationThese scenarios aren’t rare. In fact, they’re some of the most common fire hazards occurring in the home today. If you’re dealing with fire damage, it’s time to call the professionals. There are several, little-known facts that are crucial to smoke damage restoration procedures. Put your health and property first by learning more about the recovery period.

Ventilation is the First Step

Immediately following a fire, focus on ventilation for the home. The professionals may not be on-site yet, but you can improve the situation right now. Open the doors and windows. Use any fans within the home to move air out of the structure. The professionals will bring in industrial fans for this purpose, but get the process started yourself.

Consider your health when it comes to ventilation too. Wear dust masks if you must be inside the home. Remove children, pets and older residents from the premises. The particles in the air can be irritating to some people.

Odors Don’t Dissipate on Their Own

There’s a misconception about fire damage cleanup and ventilation. You might believe that fire odors will simply dissipate with enough fans blowing in the house. Soot and other fire byproducts are chemically based substances. Unless they’re physically removed, they’ll continue to react with the drywall, wood and other materials.

Smoke damage restoration professionals will clean, remove and service the structure as necessary. They’ll deodorize rooms with careful attention to humidity and corrosion issues. There shouldn’t be any remaining odors after a professional cleanup job. Subtle odors equate to dirty conditions that will only grow stronger over time.

Soot Moves into Every Crevice

Cleaning off the walls and ceilings is only the beginning of the fire damage cleanup process. Most people don’t realize that soot is an extremely fine particle. It floats and lands on nearly every surface. If you have light fixtures near the damaged area, be sure to remove the bulbs and clean them. Soot finds its way into the threaded base. Hazards arise if you turn the fixture on without cleaning it first. Soot can be a fire hazard if it’s not cleaned away in its entirety.

Smoke Damage Restoration Applies to Electronics and Antiques

If soot can find its way into light fixtures, your electronics might fall prey to it too. Discuss fire damage cleanup in reference to your televisions, audio receivers, and other devices. It may take time to restore these items, but it’s worth the effort when it’s done right.

Think about any antiques that you might have as well. Restoration experts can bring these items back to life. When an antique has either sentimental or monetary value, restoring it should be part of your recovery process.

Insurance Claims Streamlined with Professional Help

You have insurance on your home, but the claims process might be new to you. Stress and confusion surrounding the policy is the last thing you need right now. Ask your restoration experts about their involvement on the insurance side. Reputable, service providers often work with the insurance companies so that you don’t have any issues. They explain the situation, go over your policy and secure a fair deal from the claims adjuster.

From power washing to roof tarping, smoke damage restoration experts can cover every need after an emergency. Vintage Reconstruction Inc. is a company that dedicates its services to your emergency and insurance needs. Get ahead of the damage by following the right steps. Transform the home with experienced professionals helping you out today.

For more information about smoke damage restoration and why you should have an experienced professional involved in your fire damage cleanup, visit

By |2018-04-30T11:42:05-05:00April 30th, 2018|Our Blog, smoke damage restoration/fire damage cleanup|0 Comments