Fire Damage Cleanup: What To Do And What Not To Do

Fire Damage Cleanup: What To Do And What Not To Do

fire damage cleanupAs far as devastating experiences with your San Antonio home or business go, having a fire ranks right at the top. It can be stressful, saddening, and very difficult to handle the aftermath. Fire damage cleanup is not a simple process, and there are many things to consider ensuring the long-term viability of a building after a fire. Not only do the spots affected directly by flames need to be tended to, but you must also consider smoke damage cleanup as well. Here are some things to do and not to do in the aftermath of a fire and in preparation for fire and smoke damage cleanup.



Do Get In Touch With A Professional

You may be the ultimate home handyman. Maybe you’ve even built a house from nothing. That doesn’t mean you should try to restore your home after a fire yourself. Call a professional, since they know the ins and outs of fire and smoke damage cleanup and will make sure that everything is properly restored.


Don’t Turn On The HVAC System Or Use Electronics

The fire may have affected the electrical wiring of the building, so do not turn on any appliances until they are inspected. Your HVAC system may have also been damaged, so leave it off as well. There are many toxins that could be present after a fire, and the HVAC system will only spread those toxins around the house.


Do Get Your Pets Out Of There

Soot and other toxins can be incredibly bad for your pet to inhale. Find a safe place for them to stay until fire damage cleanup is finished. They could also try to eat or ingest something toxic that’s lying around the building.


Don’t Eat Leftovers

Any food that’s left in a building after a fire should be thrown out. Do not consume any of it, since it may have been exposed to contaminants from the fire or from the substances used to fight the fire, like fire extinguisher powder.


Do Get Your Vacuum Working

If your home has been inspected and it’s deemed safe to use electronics, get out your vacuum right away. The faster you can get your upholstery cleaned, the better. Use a brush attachment to make sure you get as much of the soot damage as possible. The longer it stays on, the more likely the soot and ash will end up being ground into the upholstery. You can also cover your furniture with a sheet to prevent it from getting dirtier. You can also give your floors a once-over to remove as much soot as possible from the scene.


Do Not Clean Clothing or Walls

Clothing and walls should be left alone until inspected by professionals. You don’t want to do something that could make the problem worse and cause permanent damage. A fire damage cleanup specialist will be able to give you advice on how to proceed further.


Fire Damage Cleanup Final Thoughts

Our first instinct with any mess is often to clean it up right away and get it taken care of. When it comes to the damage after a fire, however, that first instinct might not be the correct one. Using a professional in San Antonio to handle your fire damage cleanup, such as Vintage Reconstruction, is the smart move. They will properly assess the damage and situation. Then the cleanup will be done without further damage to the structural integrity of the building.

For more information about fire damage cleanup and tips on how you should proceed with any type of cleanup after a fire, visit